Tuesday April 13, 2021 - Second week of Paschal Time - The Son of Man must be lifted up, so that in him every believer may have eternal life - Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint John 3, 7-15
The gospel that the Church offers us today is about Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father except through him. He alone can tell us about Heaven. We are of the earth and we know and understand the things of the world. But behold, he has revealed to us the kingdom of heaven, for he alone has come down from heaven to the earth.
So we try to hold on to the truth that He reveals, to His Word because it's a Word full of truth and life. Faith is holding and adhering to what he says because it is still true, completely trustworthy and will have eternal life. Even Nicodemus, a scholar and teacher in Israel, did not understand Jesus' words: "One must be born again to enter the Kingdom of Heaven" according to the Gospel we heard yesterday.
We do not know more than anyone else about the Kingdom of Heaven or about the Heavens. There are those who trust each other to enter heaven but their feet do not even enter the threshold of the church. There are those who forsake earthly possessions, spending a fortune to gain heavenly life. Jesus is the only one who brings us into the world of God, the Spirit of God. Sincere and humble people will come with Jesus to the Kingdom of Heaven. For them, Heaven is their Kingdom, the goal of their life, they seek Heaven while they are still on earth; therefore, earthly treasures are in his hands an instrument to seek Heaven.
We celebrate Easter with Jesus who conquered death and who was resurrected, it is the foundation of our faith and leads us on the way to heaven, our homeland. Now is the time to strengthen our faith. The faith which is the one that gives us life and our daily strength. Amen!