Tuesday, May 12, 2020 - Fifth week of Easter Time - Gospel of Jesus Christ according to St. John 14, 27-31 - Christ had to suffer and rise from the dead to enter into glory.
Jesus promised his disciples peace for the first time at his last supper: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you". He promised and left them peace in the face of the anxieties caused by the announcement of Judas' betrayal and Peter's denial. Jesus fulfills this promise by his resurrection, he gives the peace of victory over darkness, victory over death. He leaves the peace that unites with God the Father.
What Jesus wants is that the disciples already taste this peace in God, that they be lifted up to God. Peace in Jesus is quietness, serenity, the absence of death, isn't that the life of God? However, our earthly life cannot be separated from worries, worries and death, in short we can only pretend to a simulacrum of peace, that is why Jesus says: "it is not in the manner of the world that I give you peace". The peace of Jesus is the peace according to the will of the Father.
This, for us, is a mystery because the only way, the condition of this peace, is the passage through the death and resurrection of Jesus, and it is the disciples that he wants to experience it first of all to take them away from worries and fear, and that they live in joy. So, in this time of celebration of Christ's victory over death, let us strengthen our faith and hope in this peace.