The month of June, we celebrate the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The heart of Jesus, pierced by the spear on Good Friday; Sacred Heart, this ardent furnace of charity opens and pours us, under the symbol of water and blood, the grace that purifies.
This pierced Heart challenges us and invites us to conversion. It is up to us to bend over the breast of Christ, as the Apostle Saint John did. Filled with his love, let us resume with faith the way of conversion. This path that continues with the habit of an interiority: to escape the chatter, the useless words, not to become austere, or mute like a carp, but to make the habit of living with oneself, the a habit of returning to one's own heart and gradually becoming a friend of silence, a friend of prayer.
But we must go further. Let's learn to grow in love. Let's get to Jesus' school because he is gentle and humble of heart. If we accept to unite with Jesus, our heart of stone will become a heart of flesh. Let's throw our hearts into this furnace of charity for our total purification.