Saturday, October 30, 2021 - Thirtieth week of Ordinary Time - Take my yoke upon you, become my disciples, says the Lord, for I am meek and humble of heart - Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 14, 1. 7-11
Based on the example of how the guests are placed at a wedding feast, Jesus wants to teach us the worthy behavior to adopt before God, namely to be humble and not to rush to get the place of honor. . Because it is not uncommon that in our daily lives, we seek to be seen and acclaimed to receive the honor, which we believe is due to us. But with Christ it is otherwise: "Whoever exalts himself will be humbled; he who humbles himself will be exalted."
Christ, when he teaches, does not only sow vain fine words; he puts his teaching into practice. He taught us humility. Indeed, although he is God, he has lowered himself to the rank of men and endured the worst humiliation that a man can experience while carrying out his mission. Thus, when God calls us, invites us and sends us on mission, it is our duty to be modeled on Christ, bending to the will of God, for this is the only way to ensure his recognition and the honor to be chosen. Of course, this implies that we also accept the place which is assigned to us.
Out of vanity, we are tempted to determine ourselves in advance the place, the honors and the rewards which are due to us. However, it is the sustained daily efforts to do good like Christ, the permanent struggles we engage in to overcome human vices that earn us a better place before God. So, let us not rush towards the fleeting honor of this world, let us rather concentrate on the glory ensuring the eternal happiness that God offers us, that which the saints henceforth put on in heaven.