Monday July 26, 2021 - Seventeenth week in Ordinary Time - The Father wanted to engender us by his word of truth, to make us like the first fruits of his creatures - Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint 5Matthew 13, 31-35
The parable of the mustard seed tells us of the extraordinary growth of the Kingdom of Heaven that we are announcing. For us disciples and continuers of the work of Jesus Christ, this parable is a message of consolation and comfort as we see failure in fulfilling Messianic expectations. We must be convinced that God's action is very different from ours: littleness and weakness condition future success; our weakness, we men of the Kingdom of God is our strength, because everything is possible with the grace of God (2 Cor. 12, 9).
This parable invites us to surrender completely to God, even if we do not immediately see success. This surrender to God requires that we give up our search for supports, only human ones, to make effective our way of proclaiming the Gospel when we find ourselves in discouragement.