Sunday June 6, 2021 - The Blessed Sacrament - I am the living bread which came down from heaven, says the Lord; if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever - Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Marka 14, 12-16. 22-26
Dear Christians, the Church today celebrates the Holy Body and the Holy Blood of Christ, in more familiar terms, the Blessed Sacrament. The Gospel fits well with the event and Mark reminds us of the day when Jesus established the Eucharist on Maundy Thursday, a period that brings us into the contemplation of the Paschal mystery. For information, the exact day to celebrate the Blessed Sacrament is the Thursday following the Holy Trinity.
Jesus, who is the fulfillment of the Old Testament, observed all of Jewish tradition, although he is the new Easter for us. He celebrated Easter with his disciples. Is it necessary to remember that the Jewish Passover is a strong and obligatory moment for the Hebrews, just for the memory of the liberation of the children of Israel from the Egyptian yoke. Speaking of symbols, the bread, the lamb and the bitter herbs, the prayers and the Psalms. Likewise, the Holy Mass also frees us through the body and blood of Christ, according to his recommendations to communicate as much as possible for his memory and for the memory of Easter. Also, let us ensure that coming to celebrate Mass is not a simple routine, an unconscious habit. Moreover, the catechism teaches us that the fact of receiving Communion often alleviates our base needs.
Remembering Easter also tells us that the Eucharist is a great banquet to which Christ invites us. He invites us every day to this feast, what we need is to answer favorably to his invitation and to prepare ourselves well, by purifying our heart and our life, to receive the grace and the salvation which emanates from it for that Christ can fill our life.