Friday June 4, 2021 - Ninth week in Ordinary Time - If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, says the Lord; my Father will love him, and we will come to him. - Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Mark 12, 35-37
“Who is Jesus for me?” Is the question that every Christian should ask himself and not just once. One can reasonably think that the common answer as a Christian is: he is true God and is true man. It is Sacred Scripture in all its entirety that enables us, with the illumination of the Holy Spirit, to grasp this mystery of Christ.
First, he is true God, he is the second person of the Holy Trinity. It is God his father because he calls him "My Father"; likewise, he is the Son, for God reveals him: "This is my beloved Son". He has been from all ages and reigns with the Father at the time of the creation of the world, as the book of Genesis 1, 26 mentions: "Let us make man in our image". He came down to earth to accomplish the mission entrusted to him by the Father, namely the salvation of men. Through his incarnation, he gave us back the status of children of God. Saint Athanasius does not fail to underline this fact: "The Son of God became man so that men could become children of God".
Then, Jesus is real man, because he comes from a line, that of David. This membership is not the result of chance, it is about the fulfillment of God's plan, a promise made to David: "Here are days coming - oracle of the Lord - when I will raise up for David a righteous Germ" .
Also, on this first Friday of the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, may his heart, source of love, adored and glorified, inspire us to love all men without any measure. Amen.