Wednesday, January 08, 2020 —a week after the Epiphany — Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Mark 6, 45-52 — God sent me to bring the good news to the poor and to announce release to the captives.
Here we are before a new case of manifestation of Christ in his nature. The prayer occupies a privileged place in the life of Christ, especially before and after a mission: he takes time to isolate himself in order to be in communion with the Father. He gave an example of piety.
Walking on water is a manifestation of his divinity in all its power and with authority. He has the power to subdue all creation. It is not a ghost as the disciples would have thought, but the God who can manifest Himself at any time and in any place: "Trust! it is I".
Human intelligence is not seasoned enough to claim to apprehend the mystery of God, but with the gift of faith that God gives us, it has become possible for us to accept his omnipotence and omnipresence. Therefore, let us deepen our faith in order to be able to perceive these signs of God's manifestation in our daily lives.