Wednesday February 3, 2021 - Fourth week in ordinary time - My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord; I know them, and they follow me - Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Mark 6, 1-6
Brothers and sisters, it is the Sabbath, Jesus goes to the synagogue, accompanied by his disciples. He reads the Word of God and teaches about the kingdom of heaven. People, at first astonished by his teaching, then laughed at Him because they only know Jesus in one way, the carpenter, a neighbor, a playmate for some, and we all know his close relatives. They cannot see in Jesus the Messiah. How many times have we experienced such a situation when it comes to standing up for truth and faith? We are called presumptuous, arrogant, have you seen me ... Just the simple fact of going to the Sunday office already earns us derogatory remarks. Jesus lived this before us, entrust to him what we have to endure, and let's move on. For us, it is a question of doing what pleases God, and not of giving satisfaction to men.
Jesus could not even perform miracles in his village because of the unbelief of the people. It is only by faith that miracles can be performed, and without faith it is impossible to do anything. In other words, God does not compel, although He wants to save; the people have to want so that He can work. Jesus went to other cities to teach. He didn't stop, though He seemed to fail in his village, many more were waiting for him. We cannot make people believe, our duty is to preach. May our faith be strengthened to decide those who still doubt. Amen.