Sunday 17th January 2021 - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - In Jesus Christ we have recognised the Messiah: through him came grace and truth - Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint John 1, 35-42
We are now in the second week of Ordinary Time, after John declared Jesus "Son of God" and "Baptizer in the Holy Spirit", that this account of St. John the Evangelist took place. John reveals Jesus to his disciples who decide to follow him. In fact, it is God's way of calling these two, through John, who is their mediator.
God calls us in many ways, just as he called these disciples. This is often unthinkable and confusing for the human spirit, but it is a divine act to which we must submit. This is precisely what today's theme shows: "God calls each one of us". It is God's nature to work with us humans and He never ceases to call us. His goal is to save us, and He will do it through us. It is up to us to decide to respond to his call, like the disciples of Saint John. To respond to God's call, however, as human beings, we must communicate with each other. John the Baptist was the channel through which God's call touched the disciples, and their relationship with each other made it possible for the number of Christ's disciples to continue to grow. So in order to hear God's call, we need to communicate with one another, for it is only through us that God will whisper to each one of us. This is the raison d'être of educators, accompanying those who are preparing to respond to God's call. Let us therefore strengthen our relationships with one another so that we can come closer to God.