Tuesday, June 09, 2020 - Tenth week of Ordinary Time - Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 5, 13-16 - Let your light shine before men: then, seeing what you do good, they will give glory to your Father.
We know only too well that salt and light are essential elements of a home. Salt is supposed to enhance taste, and light, to illuminate. Christ no longer speaks in parables, but teaches in order to pass on a message: "you correct yourself, and your beloved becomes more beautiful".
Christian brothers and sisters, we who hear and receive this teaching, let us be the salt that gives taste, that sanctifies and sanctifies the lives of others by word, by behaviour, and above all by action, because words are alarming but actions are attractive. But if the salt becomes bland, says Jesus, it is thrown out and is trampled on by people: that is inefficient and useless. Let us also be light, to dispel all darkness. The light must be patient without wavering. We have already received the light of Christ through baptism, and who does not know that it is the devil who loves to reign in the dark.
It is in our state of unworthiness that Jesus calls us to be salt and light. Therefore, let us sanctify and enlighten one another. Jesus! May the power of your word change our lives. Amen.