Tuesday , March 10, 2020 — Second week of Lent — Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 23, 1-12 — Reject all the crimes you've committed, make yourself a new heart and a new mind.
Humility, fraternity, virtue: this is, in short, the meaning of this teaching of Jesus, announced by Matthew. Christ condemns the attitude of the scribes and Pharisees who act out of hypocrisy. They take themselves for Moses without caring about the will of God. They only care about appearances and blindly observe the commandments without real conviction. It is true that the commandments are to be observed but considering them in their human dimension and not in order to recover honour and oppress others.
Observing laws requires humility and virtue. The laws are the beacons that are needed to ensure harmony of the life in community. Jesus teaches us so that observance is a sign of true conversion and not either a simple rite or a habit.