Wednesday, January 22, 2020 — Second week of the ordinary time — Gospel of Jesus-Christ according to Saint Mark 3, 1-6 — Jesus proclaimed the gospel of the kingdom and healed every infirmity in the people.
The debate about the sabbath continue. It said yesterday that Life was the purpose and the salvation is above everything. We admit it through our mouths, but is that really the case? Do good or do evil on the sabbath? Save or Kill? He turned us all respectively to our consciousness. He wants to ask: Do you understand the content of the law? Do you understand the meaning od Sabbath which was a day of salvation, a day of life, a day of charity? Saved those who are in distress is always pleasant to God no matter what the moment.
Jesus looked at the law enforcement authorities. He looked at them with anger and sadness. Jesus is a human, and fully human, like everyone else, He has feelings. It is his very humanity that makes salvation possible. But even in anger, He did no harm, He did not sin. He's teaching us here to control our emotions. Jesus began to teach before He healed because He wanted to introduce a state of mind about Him: He is not a simple illusionist, nor a magician, but the Savior, and it is with Him that one must present oneself.
let's insist, Jesus doesn't want to brak the law just for the fun of it, or worse still, to provoke the uncompromising Pharisees and other fundamentalist scribes, he wants to teach us that life and humanity are the priority, not the law. lets us, therefore, be arent to save souls because that is God's will.