We have a great responsibility to take care of the elderly. Of course, there are always worries in our daily lives, but we must prioritize regular visits from parents," said Pope Francis. As Malagasy wisdom also says: "Izay mahavangivangy tian-kavana", that is, he who visits often loves his neighbour. Catechesis of Pope Francis on the family, with Fr. Justolat Rafaralahmboa.
It's only on holidays that we visit the parents. These are their rights. It is necessary to visit them where they are. Nowadays it is easy to transfer money and we are content with that. Don't forget that our visit is very important to them. We have never lost our Malagasy values "izay mahavangivangy tian-kavana". The Holy Father has taught that it is a mortal sin to forget and not visit the elderly. We must reflect on this.
Once as a child, a grandmother told us the story of an old grandfather who got dirty while eating because he couldn't easily bring the spoonful of soup to his mouth. And his son, that is, the father of the family, had decided to move him from the dinner table and set up a little table in the kitchen to eat alone, so he couldn’t be seen. In this way he wouldn’t make a bad impression when friends came over to lunch or dinner.
A few days later, he came home and found his youngest child playing with some wood and a hammer and nails, he was making something there, he said: “What are you making? — I’m making a table, papa. — A table, why? — To have one for when you grow old, so that you can eat there”. Children are more aware than we are!
catechesis of Pope Francis about about family, général audience of 4 March 2015