"No one has enough, but happy are those who help each other." Mutual assistance fosters, promotes and maintains collaboration with others. What God has shown us is a lesson for us, because even though he has infinite sufficiency, he still needs our cooperation, the human beings he created. Catechesis on collaboration with others, with Fr. Rakotonarivo Fidy Isidore.

When there is conflict in the community, meetings and assessments are needed to find common ground. It's best to treat everyone you work with equally and not to like or hate. It is not an easy task, however, but requires patience, dedication, and self-discipline. Avoid, however, the interference of responsibilities. Catechesis on collaboration with others, with Fr. Rakotonarivo Fidy Isidore.

It is up to each to create this collaboration with the other; therefore everyone is responsible. First, there is a need for mutual love and mutual respect among colleagues, including mutual trust. Second, find common ground. If the two don't listen to each other and insist on each other's opinions, the collaboration can be ruined. catechesis on collaboration with others, with Fr. Rakotonarivo Fidy Isidore.

No one provides for their own needs, but we all need others; no one dares to say "I don't need you," Pope Francis said. There are those who have their talents, but they won't show it or use it at all, or they don't meet the biblical requirements to use it. Catechesis on collaboration with others, with Fr. Rakotonarivo Fidy Isidore.

Diocese of Miarinarivo

Pope Francis has accepted the renunciation of the pastoral government of the Diocese of Miarinarivo, presented by H.E. Mgr Jean Claude Randrianarisoa. At the same time, the Supreme Pontiff has appointed H.E. Mgr Marie Fabien Raharilamboniaina, as Apostolic Admnistrator sede vacante et ad nutum Sanctae Sedis of the same Diocese.

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Love and Salvation

Christmas is a great joy, because it is the love of God that has come to us, proclaims Fr. Bizimana Innocent, Provincial Superior of the Salesians Don Bosco of Madagascar and Mauritius, presenting his Christmas greetings. Salvation is accomplished, so life is not in danger of disappearing. It is this love and this salvation that we wish to fill our life so that we have peace.

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Zatti, our brother

The short film "Zatti, our brother" (Argentina, 2020) focuses on one of the most difficult episodes of his life. We are in Viedma, in 1941: at the age of 60, Zatti is forced to leave the hospital he has attended for decades. His faith and strength are tested.

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