First Reading

Book of Genesis (Gn 32: 23-33)

You shall be spoken Israel, because you have contended with divine and have prevailed.

In the course of the night, Jacob arose, took his two wives,
with the two maidservants and his eleven children,
and crossed the ford of the Jabbok.
After he had taken them across the stream
and had brought over all his possessions,
Jacob was left there alone.
Then some man wrestled with him until the break of dawn.
When the man saw that he could not prevail over him,
he struck Jacob's hip at its socket,
so that the hip socket was wrenched as they wrestled.
The man then said,

“Let me go, for it is daybreak.”

But Jacob said,

“I will not let you go until you bless me.”

The man asked,

“What is your name?”

He answered,


Then the man said,

“You shall no longer be spoken of as Jacob, but as Israel,
because you have contended with divine and human beings
and have prevailed.”

Jacob then asked him,

“Do tell me your name, please.”

He answered,

“Why should you want to know my name?”

With that, he bade him farewell.
Jacob named the place Peniel,

“Because I have seen God face to face, he said,
yet my life has been spared.”

At sunrise, as he left Penuel,
Jacob limped along because of his hip.
That is why, to this day, the children of Israel do not eat
the sciatic muscle that is on the hip socket,
inasmuch as Jacob's hip socket was struck at the sciatic muscle.

— The word of the Lord.

Responsorial Psalm

Ps 17: 1b, 2-3, 6-7ab, 8b and 15

In justice, I shall behold your face, O Lord.

Hear, O LORD, a just suit;
attend to my outcry;
hearken to my prayer from lips without deceit.

From you let my judgment come;
your eyes behold what is right.
Though you test my heart, searching it in the night,
though you try me with fire, you shall find no malice in me.

I call upon you, for you will answer me, O God;
incline your ear to me; hear my word.
Show your wondrous mercies,
O savior of those who flee from their foes.

Hide me in the shadow of your wings.
I in justice shall behold your face;
on waking, I shall be content in your presence.


Alleluia, alleluia.

I am the good shepherd, says the Lord;
I know my sheep, and mine know me.

Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew (Mt 9: 32-38)

The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few.

A demoniac who could not speak was brought to Jesus,
and when the demon was driven out the mute man spoke.
The crowds were amazed and said,

“Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel.”

But the Pharisees said,

“He drives out demons by the prince of demons.”

Jesus went around to all the towns and villages,
teaching in their synagogues,
proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom,
and curing every disease and illness.
At the sight of the crowds, his heart was moved with pity for them
because they were troubled and abandoned,
like sheep without a shepherd.
Then he said to his disciples,

“The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few;
so ask the master of the harvest
to send out laborers for his harvest.”

— The Gospel of the Lord.

Diocese of Miarinarivo

Pope Francis has accepted the renunciation of the pastoral government of the Diocese of Miarinarivo, presented by H.E. Mgr Jean Claude Randrianarisoa. At the same time, the Supreme Pontiff has appointed H.E. Mgr Marie Fabien Raharilamboniaina, as Apostolic Admnistrator sede vacante et ad nutum Sanctae Sedis of the same Diocese.

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Love and Salvation

Christmas is a great joy, because it is the love of God that has come to us, proclaims Fr. Bizimana Innocent, Provincial Superior of the Salesians Don Bosco of Madagascar and Mauritius, presenting his Christmas greetings. Salvation is accomplished, so life is not in danger of disappearing. It is this love and this salvation that we wish to fill our life so that we have peace.

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Zatti, our brother

The short film "Zatti, our brother" (Argentina, 2020) focuses on one of the most difficult episodes of his life. We are in Viedma, in 1941: at the age of 60, Zatti is forced to leave the hospital he has attended for decades. His faith and strength are tested.

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