February 11 — the church celebrates on this February 11 the apparition of the blessed virgin in Lourdes. Mary is announced as the one who alleviated the suffering of many men there and reconciled many souls to God.
In Lourdes Mary appears like the spokesperson of the will of the son of God. A lot of experience that you can live in Lourdes: People learn to suffer like Christ has done and accept the suffering like Christ endured his passion. IN the same location, we learn that faith can alleviate suffering, the suffering which becomes the expression of Love.
On February 11, 1984, the pope John Paul II the apostolic letter "Salvici doloris" which explain the meaning and the scope of the suffering in the Christian life. Next year, he founded the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers and consecrate the day of February 11 as the world day of the sick, the physicians and those who take care of the sick people.