Tuesday October 19, 2021 - Twenty-ninth week of Ordinary Time - Stay awake and pray at all times: so you can stand before the Son of Man - Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 12, 35-38
Jesus invites us to be always ready, to watch over his cessation and not to think that time is infinite. Let us remember that, like Christ the light of the world, through our Baptism we are illuminated and clothed in Christ and must keep and carry this light alight. It is not enough to light a lamp, but it is necessary to keep it lit by protecting it from the wind which can take many appearances, and which on the one hand can come from others such as mockery, persecution, bad example of the rulers. both in word and deed ... but on the other hand the danger can come from ourselves, namely recklessness, negligence, inconstancy, infidelity and ingratitude ...
In a graphic way, the faith received in Baptism is like the computer antivirus that needs to be constantly updated to be effective. Let us be like the sentries, always vigilant and ready to defend the city. Without respite or distraction, let's be careful not to let the enemy take advantage of the slightest loophole. Armed with our Baptism, we can fulfill this faction. Also, do not leave our Baptism in oblivion and even less, do not sell it or throw it away.
In this Gospel, Jesus promises one who has remained awake and ready an exceptional reward. In everyday language, we say that it is the world upside down, it is the master who puts himself at the service of the servant. This situation is the expression of eternal happiness. So, although our time plunges us into torpor, let us not let ourselves be lulled so that the Lord finds us watching and ushering us into his happiness. Amen.