Tuesday, October 26, 2021 - Thirtieth week of Ordinary Time - Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, you have revealed to the little ones the mysteries of the Kingdom - Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 13, 18-21
This parable of Jesus, told by Saint Luke, on the Kingdom of God requires patience and perseverance on our part to be fulfilled. Mustard and yeast are two different things, but they have the same function and purpose. Grow gradually to become tall. We are what Christ is referring to here because we are the land where the seed grows and the flour that leaven raises for the glory of God, to become his Kingdom. The leaven and the mustard seed are only those that God has sown in our hearts, the precious gifts that we have received from him whether physical, intellectual or spiritual, which must be gradually increased in order for us to mature and become adults, faithful and steadfast, where God reigns.
We have already received the faith, the seed, and the leaven of the kingdom of God. It is this faith which allows us to commune with God, it is with this faith that we overcome evil and that we live our divine filiation by accomplishing his will so that we participate effectively in the advent of the Kingdom.
But the seed, sown in us, encounters many obstacles: there is the will to disobey what is asked of us, the omission of what is expected of us, the refusal to submit our life to the will of God. On the other hand, the refusal to bear our share of sufferings which gradually shapes us to become adults in the faith, spiritually mature, capable of denying what is ungodly. These are imperfections that tarnish the kingdom of God within us, and which require sustained effort.