Friday, October 15, 2021 - Twenty-eighth week of Ordinary Time - May your love, Lord, be upon us, as our hope is in you - Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 12, 1-7
In this Gospel, Jesus warns us against hypocrisy and then against persecution. Hypocrisy is like yeast, capable of corrupting the masses, the people, and even the Christian community. But it deceives us, it does not last long because sooner or later the truth comes to light. The followers of Jesus should not be hypocrites because they are called to proclaim the Word of God publicly, freely, and with courage.
Then, Jesus invites us to have courage and confidence in the time of persecution. Our current situation as a Christian is uncertain and full of hostility. Let us not be afraid because physical death is superficial and does not touch the deeper reality of man; it does not deprive us of real life.