Monday October 11, 2021 - Twenty-eighth week of Ordinary Time - Today do not close your heart, but listen to the voice of the Lord - Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 11, 29-32
Like all believers we need proof to be sure whether something is really from God or not. We want signs if what the other is saying or doing is true. But Jesus' listeners go too far, insist that Jesus make a spectacular demonstration and provide unmistakable proof to show that He is truly from God. The demand is exaggerated because the interlocutors of Jesus want to replace faith by these signs, by these proofs, by these philosophical reasonings. Of course, Zechariah and the Virgin Mary demanded signs, but they put their trust more in God than in proof.
This is why in this Gospel, Jesus does not refuse to give a sign, he gives: "His resurrection", in other words, his person and his life itself
is already a sign of the presence of God in his life. and in his mission to say that He is the Son of man, having power and glory.
In this Gospel, Jesus invites us to take two important steps: first, He invites us to know how to read with faith the signs that He never ceases to transmit to us. Then He invites us to believe in Him, because that is the purpose of signs. This faith requires a conversion of our whole life to Him.