Monday July 19, 2021 - Sixteenth week of Ordinary Time - Today do not close your heart, but listen to the voice of the Lord - Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 12, 38-42
In the face of these ubiquitous events that occur in society, such as disasters or potential blessings in everyday life, it is found that people are more likely to want to see firsthand and because they are better off witnessing. rather than narrate. But for God, it is not so, but the eye of faith will see and reflect His presence and love, not so much the signs. Because it is not the abundance of signs or the appearance of miraculous signs that produces and sprouts faith and inspires us to repent, but an open heart and a willingness to receive the message of God, which the messengers preach.
Jesus explains this further, and bears witness to us who listen to Him, as did the people of Nineveh. God sent Jonah to preach to the people of Nineveh that Nineveh would be destroyed because of the wickedness of the people there. But Jonah came to them only once, only passing by, because he went through the city without stopping preaching the message of God. When the people heard Jonah preach, they repented and were converted to God's ways. So while Jonah expected destruction for this sinful city, God responded with mercy to their repentance. St. Augustine's words seem to remind us, "It is easy for God to withhold His wrath, but it is difficult for God to withhold His mercy." It is not works that command the law, says St. Paul, but our faith in Jesus Christ.
Brethren, the second witness that Jesus receives in the Gospel today, declares that signs are not necessary for those who can observe the facts because in them is God, the King of the South. He did not hesitate to approach Solomon to hear his wisdom because he believed it was from God and he needed it too. So it is not the visible or tangible signs that are important to God, but faith and obedience to Him, that will bring salvation, but by rejecting Him we inherit death.
Give us faith to strengthen us who are weak. But nothing is impossible for everyone who believes. And because of your word, Lord, we do your will. Amen!