Thursday June 3, 2021 - Ninth week of Ordinary Time - Our Savior, Christ Jesus, destroyed death; he made life shine through the Gospel - Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Mark 12, 28b-34
When Saint John says: "If anyone says, that he loves God, while he hates his brother, he is a liar", it is an indisputable truth, because it is about two complementary and inseparable things. In addition, it is a compendium of the myriads of Old Testament commandments. Note that Jesus' response to the scribes is unequivocal: loving God and loving neighbor are the greatest of the commandments that God has given to men. And Jesus goes even further by combining them into a single commandment, that of love which is the only way for us to access the kingdom of heaven.
On the one hand, to express our love for God, we are invited to love him with our whole being and above all things. On the other hand, we are also invited to love our neighbors by living charity, for they are the image of God. In short, our love for others is the expression of our love for God.