Thursday, January 09, 2020 — A week after the Epiphany — Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 4, 14-22 — A great prophet has appeared among us, and God has visited his people.
Christ's reading of this passage from the book of Isaiah is not by chance. It is the plan of God the Father, it is the will of the Son and it is the illumination of the Holy Spirit. Through this passage, Christ reveals himself in his nature to his contemporaries in his village. From the very beginning of His ministry, already having certain notoriety, He proclaims loud and clear that He is the one who is anointed to bring the Good News to the poor, the liberation to the captives and the blind that they will regain their sight.
In this case, this passage is no longer a mere scripture but a manifestation of the divinity of Christ. It is no longer a prophecy but an actual act in the present time. The divinity of Christ does not allow him not to announce the Good News. Waiting and idleness are incompatible with him, given the urgency of his mission of redemption.
Through this passage, Christ himself gives us an example so that we should spare no effort in proclaiming the Good News.