Saturday 05 December 2020 - 1st week of Advent - Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 9, 35 - 10, 1. 6-8 - The Lord is our judge, he gives us laws, the Lord is our king: it is he who saves us.
Walking through towns and villages, Jesus teaches. On many occasions, Pope Francis and successive popes have exhorted us not to remain within four walls but to go out, because what makes the Church Church is Church is mission, that is to say, like Christ who came to man, like Christ sent by the Father for the world. Although the priority is the lost sheep of Israel, it is to the whole world that the Kingdom of God must be proclaimed. It is the lack of shepherds and guides for the flock that saddens Jesus here, so that each flock follows its own path. That is why we implore God every day to send shepherds from the flock and harvesters for the harvest.
Preaching the Kingdom of God is a call to conversion, that is, to come closer to God and to be free from all sickness and danger. Salvation is a free gift from God and it must be announced freely. Faith to respond to the call, and zeal to fulfil the mission, let us take care of it during Advent. Amen.