Friday, November 27, 2020 - 34th week of Ordinary Time - Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 21, 29-33 - Rise up and lift up your heads, for your redemption is at hand.
Plants, like fruit trees, in winter are withered, without leaves like lifeless dry trees, but retain sap, a sign that they are alive and that in spring they will make buds. This gives hope that in the future there will be fruit to harvest. It is the same for life with Jesus. In spite of suffering, one hopes that what one endures will produce new life. Hope plays an important role in the life of a Christian, it is what refreshes the faith; the faith that makes it possible to live and work each day. The faith that leads us to a new life with Jesus.
This life with Jesus is the manifestation of the Kingdom of God: the kingdom of justice, the kingdom of peace and love. We must be in communion with Jesus in every way to build up this Kingdom of God on earth. The existence of this Kingdom of God is the great assurance that gives us hope, even if this world will perish, the Kingdom of God will remain forever, as Jesus said: "Heaven and earth will pass away, my words will not pass away". The Kingdom of God is established in our hearts through His Word, which dwells in us. We are therefore required to trust: trust in Jesus declaring that He will return in glory, in all His power and authority to deliver us from all evil. A life of faith and trust in God will never be shaken. It will not be weak, but firm and unshakeable. Amen!