Wednesday, October 21, 2020 - 29th week of Ordinary Time - Gospel of Jesus Christ according to St. Luke 12, 39-48 - Watch, be ready: it is at the hour when you will not think of it that the Son of Man will come.
Jesus warns us: "... be ready: for the Son of Man will come at the hour when you least expect it. We don't know when He will return, so He shows us what to do: be prepared. For we humans are inclined to do only what we like, even if it is wrong. This is aggravated by the fact that our wandering demands that everything be done in the immediate future, we think that we live youth only once and we take advantage of it all the time, without worrying about the future and even less about the afterlife. Let's not take life as a computer where in a single click, everything appears! The life of faith is eminently deeper. But there are also those who say to themselves: isn't it better to know in advance when He will return so as to be well prepared? Unfortunately, this is not the solution because one is always tempted to put off preparations until tomorrow, thinking that it is not for now. It is therefore preferable to always be careful not to be caught off guard when he returns. He will not come like a thief, but like the Son of Man, our Lord.
Moreover, Jesus' words are so confusing that Peter ends up asking to whom He was addressing them. Jesus did not answer clearly, but let each one take what concerns him. By our baptism we have been appointed stewards, so let us be careful not to lose or waste the goods entrusted to us, for we are not the owners but only the guardians. In simpler terms, we do not even belong to ourselves, but to the Lord: whether we die or live, we will always belong to the Lord, according to St. Paul. Let us be "loyal and wise" stewards. In short, let us always be ready, let us not put off until tomorrow the preparations that there is to be made today. Thus, we will be ready to give an account on the day of the Lord's return because: "To whom much has been given, much will be demanded; to whom much has been entrusted, much more will be demanded".