Tuesday, October 20, 2020 - 29th week of Ordinary Time - Gospel of Jesus Christ according to St. Luke 12, 35-38 - Stay awake and pray at all times so that you can stand before the Son of Man.
Being girded demonstrates the willingness to work, to face a situation. When you gird yourself, you tie yourself up, a sign of self-control; a sign of the ability to prioritize things. So let's not wait for someone to bind or control us, but as long as we can do it, let's do it, unless we are disabled or perhaps sick. Some people don't always aim for the good for us, they like to get in our way. Fortunately, not everyone does this, there are those who really help each other to walk together towards heaven.
Moreover, turning on a lamp is letting the light in to dissipate the darkness. We have received our light, lit on the Paschal candle, symbolizing that every baptized person, like Christ, must illuminate this world. Evil usually resides in darkness and must be driven out and expelled by the light. Let's make our light shine, let's not let it go out, which is usually not an easy task, so let's not waste our energy trying to extinguish that of others. Of course, this external light is only the symbol of what the luminescence of our soul should be, and it must never be extinguished.
Moreover, Jesus commands us to act as servants "who wait for their master when he returns from the wedding" and remain always vigilant. It is this vigilant watchfulness that Jesus demands of us. As baptized people, we are all watchmen, so let us be careful that we are not drowsy or drowsy or distracted by other things. As Jesus says here: "Blessed are those servants whom the master, when he comes, will find watching. Amen, I say to you: it is he who, girding his loins, will make them sit at the table and pass by to serve them". What more could one ask for?