Saturday, April 11, 2020 - Holy Saturday - Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 28, 1-10.
Holy Saturday. This particular night which is, according to the Church, the holiest. On this night we celebrate first of all Jesus Christ, Light. It is by the Light that the Paschal Candle is passed on to us. A candle that illuminates each member of the faithful, that illuminates the whole Church. Secondly, we also celebrate Christ, the Divine Word. It is through the Word that God has fulfilled the promise made to his people. And it is by the Word of God that the disciples transmitted the faith to the Church.
Next, we celebrate Christ, Living Water. The water of baptism which makes Son of God, which makes progress in Christianity. And finally, Jesus, Bread of Life. Sacrament that he instituted on Holy Thursday, a provision for the pilgrim. This unfolding of the liturgy is already a summary of our life in the Church.