Thursday, March 12, 2020 — Second week of Lent — Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 16, 19-31 — Blessed are those who have heard the word in a good and generous heart, who hold on to it and bear fruit by their perseverance.
Already in Christ's time, He was aware of social inequalities: the rich and the poor. There was injustice: those who ate on the table and those who picked up the crumbs under the table. Hence the parable so that we would not be indifferent to the injustices that were rampant in our society. Christ's teaching is addressed not only to the Pharisees of that time but also to all of us today, especially in this Lenten season. The message is that we too do not fall into segregationism.
We should be aware of these forms of injustice, it is for us the ideal time to fight them so that there is no discrimination or debasement between humans. The life on the earth is not an individual matter, we have all received God the same right to have a happy life in hope and in peace.