Wednesday, March 18, 2020 — Third week of Lent — Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 5, 17-19 — Your words, Lord, are spirit and they are life, You have the word of eternal life.
Laws are beacons that allow us to walk the right path and towards a better life. Learning to observe the laws is a good education, it is not a matter of learning them by heart, but the respect of the laws must be palpable. Laws and Prophets become perfect when it is Jesus who fulfills them. The Laws and the Prophets are recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible and the Jews, as far as possible, observed them and considered them to be the word of God. But the Laws and Prophets are in fact only revelations of Jesus. Jesus who offered Himself by fulfilling the Laws had our salvation in view. He did not come to abolish but to fulfill the Laws.
The Laws must teach us true love by observing them, we become possessed of love: love for God and for our neighbours. The church teaches us how to observe them, because it is the church that continues, currently, the works of Jesus. The commandment of God, just as those of the Church are therefore not obsolete as one might think, but observing them assures us of eternal life.
So, what church teaches us is neither negligible nor insignificant. The little that we are able to accomplish find favour in God's sight when it is done with love. So, It id love that must dictate all of our actions.