Sunday, February 02, 2020 — Presentation of the Lord — Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 2, 22-40 — Light that revealed itself to the nation and gives glory to your people Israel.
Saint Luke tells us how Mary, Joseph and the infant Jesus went up to the Temple to accomplish what is prescribed by the law of the Lord. It is a way of expressing submission to God's will (cf. Dt 6, 3). This act of Mary and Joseph is the gesture of the man who believes in God and hopes for salvation.
It is in God's nature to always anticipate our desire; it is no longer up to us to go in search of him; through his Son presented in the Temple, he revealed himself to the whole world. This is confirmed by Simeon when he said: "My eyes have seen your salvation". It is this Son of God who will save the world by leading all mankind from darkness into the light.
We celebrate the presentation of the Lord to remember our presentation at our baptism which consecrated us to God to love and serve him above all else, so that our life may be constantly renewed under the guidance of the Spirit of God and that his work in us may bear fruit. That's what makes us true "lights".
May our whole life be like that of Christ, withered in the service of God and others.