"I would like to be a priest who is available, who loves to pray and sanctify the people of God," says Brother Rasolomanana Mamory, one of the 18 deacons who are ordained on 31 October 2020 in the Archdiocese of Antananarivo. In view of the reputation of today's priests, 07 deacons have accepted to share their challenges after their priestly ordination such as :
has holiness, availability, humility, accompaniment of the people of God. Testimony of 30 October 2020, by 03 diocesan deacons: Rasolomanana Mamory Régis, Ralaiarivelo Thierry, Ramarovahoaka Pierre Emile, and 04 Jesuit deacons : Randrianoelisoa Jean Rémi Eugène, Razafindraibe Angélo, Rajaoarivony Paul Eugène, Razafimahatratra Jeritiana.