The current President, Angeline RAZAFIMBOLOLONA, has been entrusted by voters with managing the National Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture for the next five years. Held on 30 August 2024 at CFFAMA. In view of the election to form the national council within the Chamber of Agriculture...


The incumbent received 55 votes out of 71 people who voted in the election. 18 regions each had four representatives and took part. Mrs RAZAFIMBOLOLONA Angeline has experience in managing systems such as this. This lady has been regional president of the association for 10 years. For the past 10 years, she has also been responsible for associations throughout Madagascar, and for the past 5 years she has been responsible for the Chamber of Agriculture. She is also a seed producer in the Matsiatra Ambony region. Ms RAZAFIMBOLOLONA Angeline will complete the status of the building of the National Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture as the Chamber of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries.

The work of the Chamber of Agriculture and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock complement each other,’ said Ms RAKOTOARISON Mitia Finoana, Director in charge of technical and vocational training for producers, representing the Ministry at the election held today in Nanisana...

Diocese of Miarinarivo

Pope Francis has accepted the renunciation of the pastoral government of the Diocese of Miarinarivo, presented by H.E. Mgr Jean Claude Randrianarisoa. At the same time, the Supreme Pontiff has appointed H.E. Mgr Marie Fabien Raharilamboniaina, as Apostolic Admnistrator sede vacante et ad nutum Sanctae Sedis of the same Diocese.

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Love and Salvation

Christmas is a great joy, because it is the love of God that has come to us, proclaims Fr. Bizimana Innocent, Provincial Superior of the Salesians Don Bosco of Madagascar and Mauritius, presenting his Christmas greetings. Salvation is accomplished, so life is not in danger of disappearing. It is this love and this salvation that we wish to fill our life so that we have peace.

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Zatti, our brother

The short film "Zatti, our brother" (Argentina, 2020) focuses on one of the most difficult episodes of his life. We are in Viedma, in 1941: at the age of 60, Zatti is forced to leave the hospital he has attended for decades. His faith and strength are tested.

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