Papa Bio or Papa Basile is a farm operator, a contributor to the rural development of The Itasy region, especially in Soavinandriana. His activities are based on organic agriculture always looking for the techniques to achieve it.
A retired senior officer of the Malagasy army, Ranaivoarison Basile, known as Papa Bio, had the initiative to create an association called "Lanja Miakatra"; because most of the farmers on the big island are poor. Creating an association is a way to train farmers to improve their production and income.
Poor farmers were initially grouped together in this association. They received training on various activities, including handicrafts and agriculture. The main mission of the association is therefore to determine the training needs of the members and to find different ways to achieve them.
The association has also another purpose: to protect the environment. Papa Bio designed another type of economical fireplace referred to as " Fatana tena Mitsitsy" to reduce firewood consumption, and later on the burning briquettes
The producer, according to Ranaivoarison Basile, generally use abundant chemical inputs. The association "Lanja Miakatra" directed by Papa Bio sensitizes his members to use of Lombricompost in order to fertilise the soil and have organic agricultural products. Nowadays, the members do not use it anymore for the health of consumers. The quality of products is acceptable. The offer cannot meet demand. Therefore, the success of the association is measurable.