The women in the FARM Association "Femme en Action Rurale de Madagascar" show their strength to protect the environment and demand justice and equity in all aspects for women farmers. An association that claims the rights of women farmers in their fields of work and in their lives as individuals.
Women farmers make up 43% of the rural population, which represents 80% of the Malagasy population. But 60% of these women farmers, according to Mrs Ravoniarisoa Hantanirina Lylia, FARM's national president, support and look after their families alone. This is a case that FARM considers unjust in society, so to be able to enjoy rights is the reason why they gather in an association.
FARM uses four strategies to achieve its stated objectives. The first is the dissemination of information in rural areas, and the second is the economic development of members. The third strategy is to implement environmentally friendly agriculture and the fourth strategy is to strengthen unity...
FARM also promotes and conveys messages to all about the adverse effects of climate change on human life. Calling on all citizens without exception to protect the environment for a sustainable world.