Farmers in the Menabe region are facing difficulties. Insecurity reigns in rural areas. Crops are declining due to lack of water for irrigation, especially for rice fields...
The problem of the Dabara plain irrigation network has not yet been resolved. People in rural areas are desperate and worried about this, said Mr. Rakotomalala Jean Anjarasoa Raoul ou Raoul'jy, president of the VMMF Association (Vahoakan'i Menabe Miray Fo).
The situation is getting worse now, so VMMF is filing a complaint with various authorities. These peasants in Menabe keep calling for help from the relevant central government authorities to take a close look and solve the problems they are facing.
In addition to bringing the voice of the peasants to the capital, so that the various officials can hear the reality of the people of Menabe, the VMMF is also looking for ways to help and solve the problems of the peasants, said its president Rakotomalala Jean Anjarasoa. Raoul or Raoul'jy, he will do so through different formations.